Adoration for the Repair and Restoration of Marriage & Family

A Catholic Response to “Pride” month

June 7 - 8, 2024

The Plan

In response to the culture’s widely imposed “pride month,” and heeding the words of Our Lady of Fatima, parishes are holding adoration, especially 24-hour adoration, to pray for the repair and restoration of marriage and the family.

Parishes are designating adoration times throughout the month of June specifically for this intention, in particular Friday, June 7, and Saturday, June 8.

We can create a flyer, online adoration sign-up, and links to prayer materials to have available to all who come to pray during adoration in your parish.

Even if your parish does not designate a specific adoration time for this intention, you can still unite your holy hour to our prayers across the country.

St. Charles Lwanga and Companions

June 3 is the feast day of St. Charles Lwanga and companions, who were martyred for refusing the sexual advances of their king.

Our Lady of Fatima

Our Lady of Fatima warned the three children that “the final confrontation between our Lord and Satan will be over family and marriage.”  She encouraged prayer and penance for the sins of the world.

Christ’s Sacred Heart

June is dedicated especially to Our Lord’s Sacred Heart, a devotion that reminds us of His great love for us. Let us pray that God grant us, especially those of us who struggle with great temptations, the grace to love as He loves and to embrace the loving plan He has for each of our lives.

Countering the Revelry of Vice

During the month of June, “pride” celebrations will be hosted across the nation. We as Catholics must counter the message of “pride month” with the truth and beauty of Catholic teaching on the issues of love, marriage, and sexuality.


  • “Thank you for organizing a beautiful opportunity for us to attend Adoration and pray for the repair and restoration of the family.”

  • “It was great to come to adoration, especially knowing it was for the restoration of marriage and the family, which is in deep peril these days. I will continue in prayer and in sharing this great experience in adoration.”

  • “Thank you for offering this opportunity!! Especially in this time of need!! Advertising/Facebook brought me here! Saw the post during work hours and stopped by after work to ask Jesus for forgiveness.”

Support the Mission

The biggest way to help is to share this event and come pray with us. Any donations will help pay for the prayer and research materials that will be provided at every parish.